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The RGNAU website can be viewed from a variety of devices such as Desktop / Laptop computers, web-enabled mobile devices etc.

About accessibility features

Icons: Text has been supplemented with icons, wherever appropriate to enable users with learning disabilities understand the information easily. Icons have been provided along with text labels for key navigation options as well as important features, such as print, email etc.

Identification of file type: Information about alternate file types, such as PDF, Word, Excel has been provided within the link text to help users identify the same. In addition, icons for different file types have been provided with the links. This helps users in deciding whether they wish to access the link. For example, if a link opens a PDF file, the link text specifies its file type.

Headings: The Web page content is organized using appropriate headings and subheadings that provide a readable structure. H1 indicates the main heading, whereas H2 indicates a subheading.

Titles: An appropriate name for each Web page is specified that helps you to understand the page content easily.

Consistent Navigation Mechanism: Consistent means of navigation and style of presentation throughout the Website has been incorporated.

Various File Formats

The information provided by this portal is available in various file formats, such as Portable Document Format (PDF), Word, Excel and PowerPoint. To view the information properly, your browser need to have the required plug-ins or software. For example, the Adobe Acrcobat software is required to view the PDF files. In case your system does not have this software, you can download it from the Internet for free.
Adobe Acrobat Reader Download Link

Screen Reader Access

Following table lists the information about different screen readers:
Screen Access For All (SAFA) (Free)
Hal (Commercial)